If your job opening requires any driving of a vehicle on company business, the applicant's driving record should be checked. By checking with the motor vehicles department, you'll not only get information about the applicant's driving record, but you can use it as a chance to verify the applicant's identity.
Where do you get driving records? Driving record information is available from a state's Department of Motor Vehicles. Generally, they keep records of:
What information do I need to provide? Usually, the DMV will ask for:
Be aware that sometimes the DMV will charge you for checking these records. The cost can range anywhere from $2.00 to $10.00 or more per record. Your DMV may require that you complete a certain form for the request. Before you send a request for a record, call your DMV to find out what is required.
How can I use driving records? While it may not matter that an
applicant had a speeding ticket, a driving record check can reveal other more
serious offenses. If an applicant's license is suspended or expired, how can
that applicant legally perform a job that requires driving?