Coaching Employees

Disciplining an employee who has engaged in improper conduct should be different from dealing with an employee who is not performing work duties well. In fact, most business people prefer to refer to the latter as coaching, rather than discipline.

In a situation where there are performance problems, employees may not be willfully doing something that violates your policies and may just need some guidance. Some performance problems may even be the result of morale problems.

Effective coaching and giving constructive feedback can be difficult and challenging, but have their advantages:

The characteristics of a good coach are that he or she is:

The coaching process has certain perspectives and behaviors that can be duplicated in the workplace. They are:

In order to counsel employees, you must focus your attention on the goals that you are trying to get the employee to achieve. Those goals may be to increase profits, increase market share, create new products, reduce error rates, or achieve other business-related objectives. In order for employees to know how their work can contribute to the goal, they must be taught:

As the coach, you must:

Once you have an understanding of the philosophy of coaching an employee, you're ready to move on to: