In most states, an employer may generally discharge an employee for practically any reason, or for no reason at all. This employment relationship is known as employment at will. Besides allowing you to terminate employees "at will," the employment-at-will doctrine allows you to change benefits or employment practices whenever you deem appropriate.
Your freedom to end an employee's employment and to modify benefits and employment practices "at will" is limited, however, where a contract exists that imposes a limit. And, if you're not careful in how you word your employee handbook, the handbook may be found to be a binding contract.
Increasingly, employees are suing their employers under a breach of contract theory when the employers fail to follow procedures outlined in their employee handbooks. Many courts will find an implied employment contract in the handbook for employees who prove that they relied on the handbook and its promises. In other words, employees expect it to be followed — just as they would have if they had an express employment contract. These courts are unwilling to allow employers to set out policies and procedures and then disregard them when the time comes for action.
In this next situation, it wasn't the reason for the termination that got the employer hung up, but the procedure for terminating an employee.
Avoiding breach-of-contract claims. You can minimize the likelihood of being faced with breach of contract claims based on your employee handbook (and increase your chances of prevailing against any such claims) by: