No private employer in Kansas may discriminate against a member of the military because of that person's military status; discriminate against a member of the military with respect to employment, employment position or status because that person is a member of the military; deny employment to any member of the military or disqualify for or discharge from employment any member of the military because of membership or service in the military; or discharge from employment any member of the military because of the member's performance of emergency military duty.
Reinstatement. Reinstatement after a military leave is conditioned on
satisfactory completion of duty or recovery from disease or injury resulting
from such duty. The employee must report to the place of employment within 72
hours of release or recovery. If the person is not qualified to perform his
former job due to disability sustained during military service, he must be
employed in another position for which he is qualified. After restoration, the
employee may not be discharged without good cause within one year.