The minimum wage rate in Minnesota is $5.15 per hour for large firms (those with annual receipts of $500,000 or more) and $4.90 for small firms (those with annual receipts below $500,000).
Minnesota's minimum wage law covers any employee except: (1) agricultural
workers on farms with less than two full-time workers or no more than four
workers at any one time; (2) farm workers under 18; (3) any individual working
as a camp counselor in an organized resident or day camp; (4) bona fide
executive, administrative or professional employees, or salesperson who conduct
less than 20 percent of sales on an employer's premises; (5) those working
gratuitously for a nonprofit organization; (6) any individual serving as an
elected official for a political subdivision or on a governmental board,
commission, committee or similar body or who renders service gratuitously to a
political subdivision; (7) police officers and fire fighters; (8) public
employees ineligible for the Public Employees Retirement Association; (9) taxi
drivers; (10) babysitters; (11) part-time workers under 18 employed by a
municipality as part of a recreational program; (12) anyone employed by the
state as a conservation officer; (13) any motor carrier whose qualifications and
hours are subject to control by the U.S. Department of Transportation; (14)
seafarers; (15) overnight home care employees for up to eight hours between the
hours of 10 p.m. and 9 a.m. if they are paid the minimum wage for at least four
hours of an overnight stay; (16) clergy or members of religious orders working
in the order's schools, hospitals and churches; (17) houseparents at county home
schools; and (18) persons employed seasonally at carnivals, circuses, fairs, or
ski resorts within the state.