A classified ad taken out in a newspaper is the most common
way to advertise a job opening.
Classifieds have some major advantages:
- Traditionally, people looking for work look there.
- They are relatively low-cost considering the number of
people they reach.
To maintain goodwill in the community, you may wish to answer
all replies, even if you just use a simple
form letter or postcard. Two things will ease this burden:
- Use well-written ads that discourage clearly unqualified
persons from applying.
- Use "blind ads" as discussed below.
Display ads. Instead of a small classified ad, you can
buy a larger block of space on the classified pages and run an
attractive display ad. Because it must compete with many other
display ads there, the ad must be well-designed and distinctive.
But there's a lot more to a newspaper than the classifieds.
Taking into account the audience you're aiming for, consider
these other sections of the paper that may target the person
that you think might have an interest in your job, and where you
may want to place a display ad:
- business pages
- general news
- sports
- fashion
Display ads can be attractive, eye-catching,
and expensive! The bigger the ad is, the
more it will cost, and the price goes up if you
include some art, such as a logo or a graphic.
Blind ads. A blind ad does not identify the name of
the company seeking employees, but instead lists an anonymous
post office box to which job seekers can send their resumes.
Blind ads are popular with employers because:
- They can save money because they don't have to answer each
- They can avoid having to deal with those candidates who
are rejected.
- They can maintain a lower profile if they want to replace
an existing employee or when they are not contemplating
promoting a current employee into a position.
Blind ads aren't without their downside. Two primary
drawbacks of a blind ad are:
- Job seekers may end up answering ads from their present
employer (probably not a problem if your business is small).
- Blind ads generate fewer responses because people are
suspicious of any employer that won't put its name in print.
There is a way to get around some of the stigma of the blind
ad. Advise current employees ahead of time that the ad is being
run. It can prevent the embarrassment of employees answering
their own employer's blind ad.
When creating your ad for the newspaper, be aware that there
are things you'll want to say and things you don't want to say. Writing
the job ad correctly will help increase your chance of
getting the right person for the job.