The minimum wage in North Dakota is $5.15 per hour for all occupations including public housekeepers.
All employees, including state employees, are covered by North Dakota's
minimum wage law, with the exception of: (1) employees of nonprofit youth camps;
(2) golf course caddies; (3) any person working on a casual basis for less than
twenty hours per week for less than three consecutive weeks as a babysitter; (4)
a guide, cook, or camp-tender for a hunting or fishing guide service; (5) any
person in a program for youthful or first-time offenders designed as an
alternative to incarceration if the person enters the program voluntarily, does
not displace regular employees; is under court supervision or control, and
performs the work without contemplation of pay; (6) prison or jail inmates who
do work directly associated with the incarceration program; (7) actors or extras
for a motion picture; (8) volunteers who donate their time and services; and (9)
student trainees where the training does not benefit the employer and the
trainee benefits from the training and is not entitled to a job or wages.