People Who Work for You
Chances are if your business becomes successful, it will grow and, at some
point, you may need some help on a temporary or permanent basis.
Having other people working for you can be a great blessing and a great
burden. Good employees can be a business's biggest asset, but the legal issues
and concerns that come with having others work for you can almost make it seem
like more trouble than it's worth.
The key to success in getting and dealing with workers in your business is to
treat them as an investment, because that's what they are. Every time you hire,
train, pay, discipline, or terminate an employee or other kind of worker, you're
making an investment in your business, just as you would in buying and
maintaining an expensive piece of equipment.
But people are usually more complex than machines, so use the discussions in
this module to help you negotiate the slippery slope of being a boss:
- Recruiting
and hiring assists you in figuring out what you need done, deciding
whether to hire someone or use an independent contractor, and advertising
for, interviewing, screening, and hiring an employee.
- Paying
your employees guides you through the ins and outs of paying your
employees, including step-by-step instructions on how to go from a hiring an
employee to the point where you hand over the paycheck. We'll also give you
tips on deciding how much to pay and how to negotiate salary with employees.
- Benefits
for your workers introduces you to the wide world of benefits, including
time-off benefits, health benefits, life insurance, disability insurance,
and retirement plans. You'll also get some ideas about how to manage,
administer, and negotiate benefits plans you offer to employees.
- Rules
for your workers discusses the various aspects of creating order in your
workplace by helping you figure out which rules you need, which rules you're
required by law to have, how to communicate rules, and how to write them
using our special policy creation tools.
- Motivating
and rewarding your workers helps you keep employees feeling good and
enthusiastic about working for you by showing you how to detect and fend off
problems with morale, turnover, productivity, and employee loyalty.
- Terminating
workers navigates you through the unpleasant tasks of having to let a
worker go, from planning the termination meeting to dealing with
unemployment claims.
- Disciplining
your workers aids you in one of the toughest parts of being a boss —
disciplining workers — by giving you scripts and tools to help you coach
the wayward employee and document any disciplinary actions.