Employee Discounts
This fringe benefit arises when you give employees (or their
spouses and dependent children) a price reduction on property or
services that you ordinarily sell to your customers or clients.
However, discounts on personal property usually held for
investment, such as stocks or bonds, and discounts on real
property, such as buildings or land, are not qualified
employee discounts.
Also, there is a limitation on the nontaxable amount of a
qualified employee discount you can provide. For property, the
nontaxable discount doesn't include any amount that is more than
your gross profit percent times the price you charge customers
for the property. The gross profit percent is based on all
property offered to customers, including your employees that are
customers, in the ordinary course of your type of business and
your experience during the tax year immediately before the tax
year in which the discount is available. To calculate the gross
profit percent, subtract the total cost of the property from the
total sales price of the property and divide your result by the
total sales price of the property. For services, the nontaxable
discount doesn't include any amount that is more than 20 percent
of the price you charge customers for the service.
Assume all the merchandise in your store cost
you about $132,000. The total sales price of all
this merchandise is $150,000. Now, you recently
gave your employee a $300 discount on
merchandise that has a sales price of $1,000.
You are now trying to determine whether any of
that discount has to be included in the
employee's wages for tax purposes.
Based on the gross profit percentage
calculation, you should take the sales price of
all your merchandise ($150,000) and subtract out
what this merchandise cost you ($132,000). Now,
take this number ($150,000 - $132,000 = $18,000)
and divide it by the sales price
($18,000/$150,000 = .12). This gives you a gross
profit percentage of 12% (.12 x 100).
Now you take the 12 percent and multiply it
by the normal sales price of the merchandise you
sold at a discount to your employee ($1,000 x
12%=$120). Subtract this number from the
discount you gave your employee ($300-$120=
$180). Since the discount you gave your employee
is greater than that provided by the gross
profit percentage calculation, you're going to
have to include $180 as a taxable discount in
the employee's wages.
For these purposes, the term employee includes:
- an individual currently employed by you
- an individual who stopped working for you because of
retirement or disability
- a surviving spouse of an individual who died while working
for you or who stopped working for you because of retirement
or disability
- a partner who performs services for your partnership
It's important to note that highly compensated employees
can't exclude the value of no-additional-cost services and
qualified employee discounts from their income unless the
benefit is available to all employees or a group of employees
defined under a reasonable classification that doesn't
discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees.
A highly compensated employee is an employee who satisfies
either of the following:
- was a 5 percent owner of the employer at any time during
the current year or the preceding year, or
- received more than $90,000 in compensation from the
employer during the preceding year (employers may use an
additional qualification requiring employees to be in the
top 20% of employees when ranked by compensation). The
$90,000 threshold is for 2002. The threshold is $85,000 for
2001 and may be indexed for inflation.
If a benefit is discriminatory, the entire cost of the
benefit (not just the discriminatory part) must be included in
the income of highly compensated employees. It's clear that the
IRS will allow either all or nothing when they offer you a break
on paying tax on these fringe benefits — all your company's
employees must benefit equally or you will receive no benefit.
As owner and president of J " C Sporting
Goods Store, you are the only company employee
entitled to a 40 percent discount on all
merchandise. The rest of your employees are
entitled to a 10 percent discount on merchandise
purchases. Because of the 30 percent disparity
in discount rates (40 percent - 10 percent), the
IRS will not let you exclude any portion of the
discount from your salary because it is
discriminatory towards your employees who are
not owners. Your employees, on the other hand
will still continue to enjoy the 10 percent
discount and it will not be treated as
compensation to them.