Reimbursable Expenses under FSAs
The following are examples of the types of expenses that can be reimbursed to
employees who participate in a health care flexible spending account plan:
- deductibles or coinsurance not covered by the health insurance plan
- expenses for diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of disease, if
prescribed by a physician
- orthodontia if not for cosmetic purposes
- prescription drug expenses
- medical expenses for hearing aids or vision care, unless as premiums for
contact lens replacement insurance or expenses for contact lens solution
- expenses paid to a chiropractor or Christian Science practitioner
The following are examples of the types of expenses that can be reimbursed in
a dependent care FSA:
- the care of dependent children under age 13 by a babysitter
- day care center expenses
- expenses in a before-school or after-school program
Nonreimbursable expenses. The following are expenses that are not
eligible for reimbursement:
- expenses to benefit general health (for example, vitamins or food)
- insurance premiums for other health plans (except Medicare Plan B)
- cosmetic surgery or liposuction to improve the patient's appearance
- dancing lessons, swimming lessons, or dues paid to a health club for
general health or to relieve physical or mental discomfort if not related to
a particular medical condition
- illegal or non-prescription drugs
- life insurance and long-term care insurance premiums
- personal use items, unless used to prevent or alleviate mental or physical
defect or illness