Workplace Sexual Harassment Policies
Benefits: Sexual harassment can present serious
problems for a business owner. In addition to creating tension
in the workplace and potential friction between employees, it
can significantly cost you if an employee decides you haven't
done enough to prevent it. Your first line of defense against
sexual harassment occurring in your workplace is to have a
clearly stated policy. The attached file contains two sample
sexual harassment policies, different in tone but both designed
to include all the essential elements of such a policy and to
clearly spell that you take this issue seriously and that the
consequences of engaging in inappropriate behavior can be
severe. You can edit or combine policies to quickly customize
one for your company. Also included in the file are sample
guidelines for investigating complaints of sexual harassment.
These guidelines are designed to help you handle a complaint but
generally don't need to be shared with employees.
File Description: The file contains a six-page
document (two sexual harassment policies and a set of harassment
investigation guidelines) in rich text format (RTF) that is
suitable for use with most word processing programs used in the
Windows environment.
harrassment aids
Special Features: The two sexual harassment policies
can be used alone or in combination, as appropriate for your
company. They both contain all the essential elements of such a
policy, including:
- clear statement of the company's position on sexual
- definition of sexual harassment
- conditions under which conduct is considered harassing
- steps employees should take if they experience or witness
sexual harassment
- consequences and penalties
The guidelines for investigating complaints include a list of
tips on doing each of the following: gathering information about
a complaint and interviewing the complainant.
- investigating a claim
- interviewing the accused
- interviewing witnesses
- resolving the complaint
For background information as well as information on related
topics, see harassment
policy development.