Try asking "Have you ever committed the crimes of theft,
fraud, embezzlement, larceny, or other related crimes?" If
the answer is yes, you could follow up in the interview,
or you could provide another form asking more detailed questions
if the applicant was actually convicted of a crime.
If the job vacancy requires significant customer contact or
contact with the public, requires carrying a weapon, or gives
access to significant amounts of money or valuables, you have a
right and a responsibility to ask more detailed questions about
the applicant's criminal record. The Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
has suggested that you include the following statement near the
"Conviction of a crime will not necessarily be a
bar to employment. Factors such as age at the time of the
offense, type of offense, remoteness of the offense in time, and
rehabilitation will be taken into account in determining effect
on suitability for employment."